About me

Front-end developer from Kenosha, WI

Jenn Beeson

Hi! I'm Jenn. I grew up in the SE Wisconsin area before living in Kenosha. I really enjoyed web design classes in high school but didn't know it was something I could make a focus on as a career until recently. I decided to start learning again about front end development and web design to get certified in front end development and have enjoyed the process. It lets me flex my creative muscles and challenges me to think outside of the box. I have learned how to develop webpages with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Hosting services, APIs, GitHub, BootStrap, Flexbox, SEO, and Responsive web tools.

I have two cats, Bub (the Siamese) and Maze (the Tortoiseshell). They bring me a lot of joy and help me de-stress after a long day. They are so adorable and I love them.

Jenn's cats, Bub (right) and Maze (left)

S'mores cookies

I am an avid baker and love trying new recipes and types of treats. I like to think of baking as science for hungry people. I have even ventured into making my own vanilla extract! It's a fun thing to do and when you're done you always have something to share with a friend.